
Dear players,

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and affection for the operation of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” since its launch in 2021. It has been an honor to accompany you on your journey through the vibrant world of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal.” Throughout this time, the operations team has been dedicated to maintaining the quality and enjoyment of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal,” striving to provide players with high-quality game content and a wonderful gaming experience. Despite some flaws in our service, we are grateful for your guidance, understanding, and patience, and together, we have witnessed the splendor of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal.”

Due to the approaching expiration of our publishing contract and in consideration of our business strategy and market demand, after discussing with Enzo, the co-founder of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal,” we regret to inform you that “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” will conclude operations on 01 22, 2024. We bid a fond farewell to all players.

With the conclusion of “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” operations, players are asked to note the following schedule:

00:00, 12 22, 2023:
The operations team will disable the in-game deposit function, though, during this period, players can still log in as usual.

00:00, 12 22, 2023:
At 00:00, the operations team will terminate download access for “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” on all platforms, including Google Play and the App Store. Players will no longer be able to download the game, players can still log in as usual.

00:00, 01 22, 2024:
At 13:00, the operations team will officially cease game services and shut down the game servers.

To ensure the appropriate protection of your personal data, after the game servers are shut down, the operations team will delete all player data. However, assets that have been minted and uploaded to the blockchain will continue to be stored on the blockchain until the corresponding public chain ceases its services.

After shutting down the game servers, if you have any questions related to the game itself, please do not hesitate to contact the operations team. We will do our best to ensure your rights and interests are protected. However, it is important to note that all matters pertaining to the blockchain and the virtual currency SBC in “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” have been under the full authority and responsibility of the co-founder, Enzo(, since the game’s design and launch. Following the cessation of operations for “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal,” Enzo will exclusively handle and bear full responsibility for all duties and procedures related to the blockchain and the virtual currency SBC. We expect Enzo, in its capacity as a co-founder, to ensure the proper handling of all matters in this regard, safeguarding the interests of all relevant parties.

The operations team sincerely apologizes for the decision to conclude operations. The laughter, challenges, and memories shared with players will forever remain in the hearts of the operations team. We will forever appreciate your support and the enthusiasm you brought to “Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal.”

Once again, we wholeheartedly thank you for your years of companionship and support. We hope that someday in the future, we can reunite with players in a new gaming universe and continue our adventures together.
If there is any inconsistency between this official website announcement and other platform announcements, this official website announcement shall prevail.

12 22, 2023
“Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal” Operations Team

感謝您自2021年《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》上線以來,對營運團隊的支持與愛護,我們深感榮幸得以陪伴玩家們一同探索《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》豐富多彩的世界。在這段時間裡,營運團隊致力於保持《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》的遊戲品質與樂趣,並為了提供玩家們優質的遊戲內容與美好的遊戲體驗而努力。即使營運期間仍有未盡善盡美之處,仍感謝大家一路上的指教、包容與體諒,並與經營團隊共同見證了《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》的精彩。

由於發行合約即將到期,在營運政策及市場需求的考量下,即便萬分不捨,經與《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》共同創辦人Enzo公司討論,在此仍必須遺憾地通知各位玩家《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》將於2024年 01 月22日結束營運,與玩家們珍重道別。

因應《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》結束營運,以下相關預定時程請各位玩家注意:
經營團隊將於00:00 關閉Google Play及App Store在內等全部平台之《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》下載入口,玩家將無法下載遊戲,此階段玩家仍可正常登入遊戲。
2024年 01月 22日(13:00):
經營團隊將於13:00 正式停止遊戲服務,並關閉遊戲伺服器。


於《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》遊戲伺服器關閉後,若您有任何與遊戲本身相關的問題,請不吝與營運團隊聯繫,我們會盡可能確保您的權益受到保障。然而,因《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》遊戲所涉及之區塊鏈技術以及虛擬貨幣SBC相關事宜,自遊戲設計及上架至今,皆是由共同創辦人Enzo公司(全權處理、負責,於《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》遊戲停運後,所有與區塊鏈以及虛擬貨幣SBC相關的責任和處理程序,均會由Enzo公司承擔與負全責。我們期望Enzo公司能夠以其共同創辦人的身份,確保在這方面的一切事宜得以妥善處理,以保障所有相關方的權益。

對於結束營運的決定,營運團隊在此向所有玩家致上最深的歉意。與玩家們一同經歷的歡笑、挑戰與回憶,將永遠刻在營運團隊的心中。我們將永遠感激您的支持,以及您為《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》帶來的熱情和活力。

《Sky Bandit: Hero Crystal》營運團隊

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